Where can I find information on UBC appointments and promotions?

UBC Family Practice Clinical Faculty Appointment

Clinical faculty members are appointed to one of the ranks below for a term, and are eligible to work towards promotion to a more senior rank.


  1. Clinical Instructor
  2. Clinical Assistant Professor
  3. Clinical Associate Professor
  4. Clinical Professor

For candidates seeking promotion at the Clinical Assistant Prof, Clinical Associate Prof and Clinical Prof level - their applications have to be approved at a scheduled Departmental Clinical Faculty Appointment and Promotions Committee (DCFAPC) meeting. These meetings usually take place in October/January and/or May.

The promotion deadline to have your completed promotion applications into the Department of Family & Community Medicine is always September 30th; however, these applications are also accepted any time but they have to be discussed at the DCFAPC meetings.  Promotions approved from January to December always take effect the following July 1st of the next year.

Further instructions for each rank below:

In order to apply for a Clinical Appointment as a Clinical Instructor, the department requires the following documents:

  1. Complete the Application for Clinical Faculty Appointment form for appointment at the entry level rank of Clinical Instructor. No CV is required.
  2. Request a Letter of support from the Department Head of Family & Community Medicine.
  3. The Department Secretary of Family & Community Medicine will send your application to the Family Practice Family Medicine Clinical Faculty Admin for processing.

Please ensure that your email address, SIN, birth date and home address are included in the application.

In order to apply for promotion to Clinical Assistant Professor, the department requires the following completed documents:

  1. Typed Promotion Application
  2. Typed and initialled Abbreviated UBC CV (Rev. October 2012)
  3. Please note Faculty Development activities are now a requirement.
  4. Copies of all student evaluations from past and current teaching years
  5. Promotion Criteria/Checklist signed off by Program/Site Director
  6. Letter of Recommendation from Program/Site Director (To assist with the letter of recommendation, please provide a letter to the Department Head on how you have met the Promotion Criteria)

In order to apply for promotion to Clinical Associate Professor, the department requires the following completed documents:

In order to apply for promotion to Clinical Professor, the department requires the following completed documents:

All forms and other information can be found on the following websites:

Clinical Faculty Appointments

Departmental Appointments & Promotions

For further information on clinical appointments, reappointment and promotions, please contact either the Department Head Secretary of Family & Community Medicine or the Family Practice Clinical Faculty Coordinator:


Melanie Catacutan 
Administrative Secretary
Department of Family & Community Medicine
Tel: 604-806-8444
Fax: 604-806-8556
Location: 1190 Hornby Street, 2nd Floor, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2K5
E-mail: mcatacutan@providencehealth.bc.ca

Ara Silva
Clinical Faculty Coordinator
UBC Department of Family Practice
#320-5950 University Blvd.
David Strangway Building
Vancouver, B.C.  V6T 1Z6
Fax: 604-822-8030
Email:  clin-fac@familymed.ubc.ca

< *italics indicate documents or website links needed >

Last updated Fri, Aug 19, 2016